

        1. Dudek G., Rodak T.: HKAN: Hierarchical Kolmogorov-Arnold Network without Backpropagation. IEEE Transaction on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (submitted), 2025.
 | ArXiv2501.18199
        2. Smyl S., Oreshkin B.N., Pełka P., Dudek G.: Any-Quantile Probabilistic Forecasting of Short-Term Electricity Demand. IEEE Transaction on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (submitted), 2025.
 | ArXiv2404.17451
        3. Fiszeder P., Orzeszko W., Pietrzyk R., Dudek G.: Identification of Bitcoin Volatility Drivers Using Statistical and Machine Learning Methods. Expert Systems with Applications (submitted), 2025.
 | ArXiv...
        4. Kasprzyk M., Pełka P., Oreshkin B.N., Dudek G.: Enhanced N-BEATS for Mid-Term Electricity Demand Forecasting. Applied Soft Computing (submitted), 2025.
 | ArXiv2412.02722


        1. Smyl S., Dudek G., Pełka P.: Contextually Enhanced ES-dRNN with Dynamic Attention for Short-Term Load Forecasting. Neural Networks, vol. 169, pp. 660-672, 2024.
 | ArXiv:2212.09030
        2. Dudek G., Fiszeder P., Kobus P., Orzeszko W.: Forecasting Cryptocurrencies Volatility using Statistical and Machine Learning Methods: A Comparative Study. Applied Soft Computing, vol. 151, pp. 111132, 2024.
        3. Galita G., Sarnik J., Brzezinska O., Budlewski T., Poplawska M., Sakowski S., Dudek G., Majsterek I., Makowska J., Poplawski T.: The Association between Inefficient Repair of DNA Double-Strand Breaks and Common Polymorphisms of the HRR and NHEJ Repair Genes in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, vol. 25(5), pp. 2619, 2024.

        4. Dudek G., Sakowski S., Brzezińska O., Sarnik J., Budlewski T., Dragan G., Poplawska M., Poplawski T., Bijak M., Makowska J.: Machine Learning-based Prediction of Rheumatoid Arthritis with Development of ACPA Autoantibodies in the Presence of Non-HLA Genes Polymorphisms. Plos One 19(3): e0300717, 2024.

        5. Dudek G. (ed.): Applied Machine Learning II. Applied Sciences special issue reprint, MDPI, 2024.
        6. Dudek G.: Meta-Learning based on Recurrent Neural Networks for Ensembling Forecasts of Time Series with Multiple Seasonal Patterns. Contribution to Statistics, Springer, 2024 (submitted).
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        7. Dudek G.: Meta-Learning for Combining Forecasts: Deterministic and Probabilistic Approaches. Proc. 5th Polish Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PP-RAI'24), Progress in Polish Artificial Intelligence Research 5, pp. 43-48, 2024.

        8. Dudek G.: Stacking for Probabilistic Short-term Load Forecasting. In: L. Franco et al. (eds.), Computational Science – ICCS 2024. LNCS, vol. 14833, pp. 3–18, Springer, Cham, 2024.
 | ArXiv:2406.10718 | pdf
        9. Jankowski N., Dudek G.: Automatic Kernel Construction During the Neural Network Learning by Modified Fast Singular Value Decomposition. In: L. Franco et al. (eds.), Computational Science – ICCS 2024. LNCS, vol. 14834, pp. 205–212, Springer, Cham, 2024.
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        1. Dudek G.: STD: A Seasonal-Trend-Dispersion Decomposition of Time Series. IEEE Transaction on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2023.
 | ArXiv:2204.10398
        2. Smyl S., Dudek G., Pełka P.: ES-dRNN: A Hybrid Exponential Smoothing and Dilated Recurrent Neural Network Model for Short-Term Load Forecasting. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2023 (in print).
 | ArXiv:2112.02663
        3. Dudek G. (ed.): Applied Machine Learning. Applied Sciences special issue reprint, MDPI, 2023.
        4. Dudek G.: Applied Machine Learning: New Methods, Applications, and Achievements. Applied Sciences, vol. 13(19), pp. 10845, 2023.

        5. Dudek G., Piotrowski P., Baczyński D.: Intelligent Forecasting and Optimization in Electrical Power Systems: Advances in Models and Applications. Energies, vol. 16(7), pp. 3024, 2023.

        6. Dudek G.: Combining Forecasts using Meta-Learning: A Comparative Study for Complex Seasonality. IEEE 10th International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics, DSAA'23, pp. 1-10, 2023.
 | ArXiv:...
        7. Smyl S., Dudek G., Pełka P.: Forecasting Cryptocurrency Prices using Contextual ES-adRNN with Exogenous Variables. In: Mikyška, J., de Mulatier, C., Paszynski, M., Krzhizhanovskaya, V.V., Dongarra, J.J., Sloot, P.M.A. (eds.), Computational Science – ICCS 2023. LNCS, vol. 14073, pp. 450-464, Springer, Cham, 2023.
 | ArXiv:...
        8. Dudek G.: Ensemble of Randomized Neural Networks with STD decomposition for Forecasting Time Series with Complex Seasonality. In: Rojas I., Joya G., Catala A. (eds) Advances in Computational Intelligence. 17th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks IWANN 2023. LNCS 14134, pp. 690-702. Springer, Cham 2023.
 | ArXiv:...
        9. Dudek G.: Combining Forecasts of Time Series with Complex Seasonality using LSTM-based Meta-Learning. Engineering Proceedings 39, 53, (ITISE'23), 2023.

        10. Smyl S., Dudek G., Pełka P.: Contextual ES-adRNN with Attention Mechanisms for Forecasting. In: Wojciechowski A., Lipiński P. (eds) Progress in Polish Artificial Intelligence Research 4 (Proc. 4th Polish Conference on Artificial Intelligence, PP-RAI'23), Series: Monographs of the Lodz University of Technology No. 2437, Lodz University of Technology Publishing House, pp. 101-106, 2023.

        11. Dudek G., Smyl. S., Pełka P.: Recurrent Neural Networks for Forecasting Time Series with Multiple Seasonality: A Comparative Study. In: Valenzuela, O., Rojas, F., Herrera, L.J., Pomares, H., Rojas, I. (eds) Theory and Applications of Time Series Analysis. ITISE 2022. Contributions to Statistics. Springer, Cham, pp. 171-185, 2023.
 | ArXiv:2203.09170


        1. Orzeszko W., Dudek G., Stasiak M.D., Stawiarz M.: Time Series Forecasting in Economy and Finance using Machine Learning Metchods. Wydawnictwo Naukowe UMK, Toruń, 2022. (in Polish: Prognozowanie szeregów czasowych w ekonomii i finansach z wykorzystaniem metod uczenia maszynowego).
          Publisher's website
        2. Dudek G., Pełka P., Smyl S.: A Hybrid Residual Dilated LSTM end Exponential Smoothing Model for Mid-Term Electric Load Forecasting. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, vol. 33, no. 7, pp. 2879-2891, 2022.
 | ArXiv:2004.00508 | pdf
        3. Dudek G: A Comprehensive Study of Random Forest for Short-Term Load Forecasting. Energies, vol. 15(20), pp. 7547, 2022.
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        4. Dudek G.: Special Issue on Applied Machine Learning. Applied Sciences, vol. 12(4), pp. 2039, 2022.

        5. Dudek G.: Boosted Ensemble Learning based on Randomized NNs for Time Series Forecasting. In: Groen, D., de Mulatier, C., Paszynski, M., Krzhizhanovskaya, V.V., Dongarra, J.J., Sloot, P.M.A. (eds.) Computational Science – ICCS 2022. LNCS, vol. 13350, pp. 360-374, Springer, Cham, 2022. 
 | ArXiv:2203.00980
        6. Smyl S., Dudek G., Pełka P.: ES-dRNN with Dynamic Attention for Short-Term Load Forecasting. Proc. Int. Joint Conf. on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2022), pp. 1-8, 2022.
 | ArXiv:2203.00937
        7. Pełka P., Dudek G., Smyl S.: An Ensemble of Attentive Recurrent Networks with Randomized Dilations for Forecasting. Proc. 3rd Polish Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PP-RAI'22), pp. 57-60, 2022. 
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        1. Dudek G., Pełka P.: Pattern Similarity-based Machine Learning Methods for Mid-term Load Forecasting: A Comparative Study. Applied Soft Computing, vol. 104, pp. 107223, 2021.
 | ArXiv:2003.01475 | pdf
        2. Oreshkin B., Dudek G., Pełka P., Turkina E.: N-BEATS Neural Network for Mid-Term Electricity Load Forecasting. Applied Energy, vol. 293, pp. 116918, 2021.
 | ArXiv:2009.11961 | pdf
        3. Dudek G.: A Constructive Approach to Data-Driven Randomized Learning for Feedforward Neural Networks. Applied Soft Computing, vol. 112, pp. 107797, 2021.
 | ArXiv:1909.01961 | pdf
        4. Dudek G.: Short-Term Load Forecasting using Neural Networks with Pattern Similarity-based Error Weights. Energies, vol. 14(11), pp. 3224, 2021.
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        5. Dudek G., Pełka P.: Ensembles of Randomized Neural Networks for Pattern-based Time Series Forecasting. In: Mantoro T., Lee M., Ayu M.A., Wong K.W., Hidayanto A.N. (eds) Neural Information Processing, ICONIP 2021, LNCS 13110, pp. 418-430, Springer, ChamICONIP 2021.
 | ArXiv:2107.04091 | pdf
        6. Dudek G.: Autoencoder based Randomized Learning of Feedforward Neural Networks for Regression. Proc. Int. Joint Conf. on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2021), pp. 1-8, 2021.
 | ArXiv:2107.01711
        7. Dudek G.: Data-Driven Learning of Feedforward Neural Networks with Different Activation Functions.  In: Rutkowski L., Scherer R., Korytkowski M., Pedrycz W., Tadeusiewicz R., Zurada J.M. (eds) Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing. ICAISC 2021. LNCS 12854, pp. 66-77. Springer, Cham 2021.
 | ArXiv:2107.01702 | pdf
        8. Dudek G.: Randomized Neural Networks for Forecasting Time Series with Multiple Seasonality. In: Rojas I., Joya G., Catala A. (eds) Advances in Computational Intelligence. 16th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks IWANN 2021. LNCS 12862, pp. 196-207. Springer, Cham 2021.
 | ArXiv:2107.01705 | pdf
        9. Dudzik S., Dudek G.: Detection of Thinning of Homogeneous Material Using Active Thermography and Classification Trees. Metrology and Measurement Systems, vol. 28, no. 1, 2021.
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        1. Bejger S., Dudek G., Orzeszko W., Stasiak M., Targiel K.: Machine Learning in Making Forecasting Decisions. Wydawnictwo Naukowe UMK, Toruń, 2020. (in Polish: Uczenie maszynowe w podejmowaniu decyzji prognostycznych).
          Publisher's website
        2. Dudek G., Pełka P., Smyl S.: 3ETS+RD-LSTM: A New Hybrid Model for Electrical Energy Consumption Forecasting. In: Yang H., Pasupa K., Leung A.CS., Kwok J.T., Chan J.H., King I. (eds) Neural Information Processing. ICONIP 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12534, pp. 519-531. Springer, Cham.
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        3. Dudek G.: Generating Random Parameters in Feedforward Neural Networks with Random Hidden Nodes: Drawbacks of the Standard Method and How to Improve It. In: Yang H., Pasupa K., Leung A.CS., Kwok J.T., Chan J.H., King I. (eds) Neural Information Processing. ICONIP 2020. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol. 1333, pp. 598-606. Springer, Cham.
 | ArXiv:1908.05864 | pdf
        4. Dudek G.: Are Direct Links Necessary in Random Vector Functional Link Networks for Regression? In: Rutkowski L., Scherer R., Korytkowski M., Pedrycz W., Tadeusiewicz R., Zurada J. (eds) Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing. ICAISC 2020. LNSC 12415, pp. 60-70. Springer, Cham 2020.
 | ArXiv:2003.13090 | pdf
        5. Pełka P., Dudek G.: Ensemble Forecasting of Monthly Electricity Demand using Pattern Similarity-based Methods. In: Rutkowski L., Scherer R., Korytkowski M., Pedrycz W., Tadeusiewicz R., Zurada J. (eds) Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing. ICAISC 2020. LNSC 12415, pp. 712-723. Springer, Cham 2020.
 | ArXiv:2004.00426 | pdf
        6. Pełka P., Dudek G.: Pattern-based Long Short-term Memory for Mid-term Electrical Load Forecasting. Proc. Int. Joint Conf. on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2020), pp. 1-8, 2020.
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        7. Dudek G.: Data-Driven Randomized Learning of Feedforward Neural Networks. Proc. Int. Joint Conf. on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2020), pp. 1-8, 2020.
 | ArXiv:1908.03891 | pdf


        1. Dudek G.: Generating random weights and biases in feedforward neural networks with random hidden nodes. Information Sciences, vol. 481, pp. 33-56, 2019.
 | arXiv:1710.04874 (old version) | pdf
        2. Dudek G.: Multilayer Perceptron for Short-Term Load Forecasting: From Global to Local Approach. Neural Computing and Applications 32, pp. 3695–37072019.

        3. Dudek G.: New Methods of Generating Random Parameters in Feedforward Neural Networks with Random Hidden Nodes. PP-RAI'19, 2019. 
        4. Dudek G.: Sensitivity Analysis of the Neural Networks Randomized Learning. In: Rutkowski L., Scherer R., Korytkowski M., Pedrycz W., Tadeusiewicz R., Zurada J. (eds) Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing. ICAISC 2019. LNAI 11508, pp. 51-61. Springer, Cham 2019. 
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        5. Pełka P., Dudek G.: Pattern-Based Forecasting Monthly Electricity Demand Using Multilayer Perceptron. In: Rutkowski L., Scherer R., Korytkowski M., Pedrycz W., Tadeusiewicz R., Zurada J. (eds) Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing. ICAISC 2019. LNAI 11508, pp. 663-672. Springer, Cham 2019. 
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        6. Dudek G.: Improving Randomized Learning of Feedforward Neural Networks by Appropriate Generation of Random Parameter. In: Rojas I., Joya G., Catala A. (eds) Advances in Computational Intelligence. 15th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks IWANN 2019. LNCS 11506, pp. 517-530. Springer, Cham 2019. 
 | arXiv:1908.05542 | pdf
        7. Dudek G.: Short-term load forecasting using Theta method. Proc. 14th Int. Conf. on Forecasting in Power Engineering 2018, E3S Web Conf. vol. 84, 2019.
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        8. Kornatka M., Gawlak A., Dudek G.: Determination of reliability indices of the distribution network based on data from AMI. Proc. 14th Int. Conf. on Forecasting in Power Engineering 2018, E3S Web Conf. vol. 84, 2019.
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        9. Pełka P., Dudek G.: Medium-Term Electric Energy Demand Forecasting Using Generalized Regression Neural Network. In: Świątek J., Borzemski L., Wilimowska Z. (eds) Information Systems Architecture and Technology: Proceedings of 39th International Conference on Information Systems Architecture and Technology – ISAT 2018. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 853, pp. 218-227. Springer, Cham 2019.


        1. Dudek G.: Probabilistic Forecasting of Electricity Prices using Kernel Regression. Proc. 15th Int. Conf. on European Energy Market (EEM'2018), pp. 1-5, 2018.

        2. Dudek G., Szkutnik J., Gawlak A., Kornatka M.: Analysis of Smart Meter Data for Electricity Consumers. Proc. 15th Int. Conf. on European Energy Market (EEM'2018), pp. 1-5, 2018.

        3. Dudek G., Gawlak A., Kornatka M., Szkutnik J.: The Method of Detecting Illegal Electricity Consumption Using the AMI System. Proc. 15th Int. Conf. on European Energy Market (EEM'2018), pp. 1-5, 2018.

        1. Dudek G.: Multivariate Regression Tree for Pattern-based Forecasting Time Series with Multiple Seasonal Cycles. In: Borzemski L., Świątek J., Wilimowska Z. (eds) Information Systems Architecture and Technology: Proceedings of 38th International Conference on Information Systems Architecture and Technology – ISAT 2017. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol. 655, pp. 85-94. Springer, Cham, 2018.
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        2. Dudek G., Dudzik S.: Classification Tree for Material Defect Detection using Active Thermography. In: Borzemski L., Świątek J., Wilimowska Z. (eds) Information Systems Architecture and Technology: Proceedings of 38th International Conference on Information Systems Architecture and Technology – ISAT 2017. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 655, pp. 118-127. Springer, Cham, 2018.
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        3. Pełka P., Dudek G.: Neuro-Fuzzy System for Medium-term Electric Energy Demand Forecasting. In: Borzemski L., Świątek J., Wilimowska Z. (eds) Information Systems Architecture and Technology: Proceedings of 38th International Conference on Information Systems Architecture and Technology – ISAT 2017. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 655, pp. 38-47. Springer, Cham, 2018.
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        1. Dudek G.: Artificial Immune System with Local Feature Selection for Short-Term Load Forecasting. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, vol. 21, pp. 116-130, 2017.
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        2. Dudek G.: Stochastic Optimization Algorithms for Learning GRNN Forecasting Model – Comparative Study. Przegląd Elektrotechniczny (Electrical Review), r. 93(4), pp. 66-69, 2017.
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        3. Dudek G., Janicki M.: Nearest Neighbour Model with Weather Inputs for Pattern-based Electricity Demand Forecasting. Przegląd Elektrotechniczny (Electrical Review), r. 93(3), pp.7-10, 2017. 
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        4. Dudek G., Pełka P.: Forecasting monthly electricity demand using k nearest neighbor method. Przegląd Elektrotechniczny (Electrical Review), r. 93(4), pp.62-65, 2017 (in Polish). 
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        5. Pełka P., Dudek G.: Prediction of Monthly Electric Energy Consumption using Pattern-Based Fuzzy Nearest Neighbour Regression. Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. Computational Methods in Engineering Science (CMES'17), ITM Web Conf. Vol. 15, pp. 1-5, 2017.
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        6. Dudek G., Pełka P.: Medium-term electric energy demand forecasting using Nadaraya-Watson estimator. Proc. 18th Int. Scientific Conf. on Electric Power Engineering (EPE'17), pp. 1-6, 2017.
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        7. Dudek G., Szkutnik J.: Daily load curves in distribution networks — Analysis of diversity and outlier detection. Proc. 18th Int. Scientific Conf. on Electric Power Engineering (EPE'17), pp. 1-5, 2017.
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        8. Dudek G.: Ensembles of general regression neural networks for short-term electricity demand forecasting;. Proc. 18th Int. Scientific Conf. on Electric Power Engineering (EPE'17), pp. 1-5, 2017.
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        1. Dudek G.: Neural Networks for Pattern-based Short-Term Load Forecasting: A Comparative Study. Neurocomputing, vol. 2015, pp. 64-74, 2016.
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        2. Dudek G.: Heterogeneous Ensembles for Short-Term Electricity Demand Forecasting. Proc. 17th Conf. Electric Power Engineering (EPE'2016), pp. 1-6, 2016.
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        3. Opaliński A., Dudek G.: Electricity Demand Prediction by Multi-Agent System with History-based Weighting. Proc. 17th Conf. Electric Power Engineering (EPE'2016), pp. 1-5, 2016.
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        4. Dudek G.: Multilayer Perceptron for GEFCom2014 Probabilistic Electricity Price Forecasting. International Journal of Forecasting, vol. 32, pp. 1057-1060, 2016.
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        5. Dudek G.: Extreme Learning Machine as A Function Approximator: Initialization of Input Weights and Biases. Proc. 9th Int. Conf. Computer Recognition Systems (CORES 2015), pp. 59-69, 2016.
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        6. Dudek G.: Pattern-based Local Linear Regression Models for Short-Term Load Forecasting. Electric Power System Research, vol. 130, pp. 139-147, 2016.
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        1. Dudek G.: Pattern Similarity-based Methods for Short-term Load Forecasting – Part 2: Models. Applied Soft Computing, vol. 36, pp. 422-441, 2015.
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        2. Dudek G.: Pattern Similarity-based Methods for Short-term Load Forecasting – Part 1: Principles. Applied Soft Computing, vol. 37, pp. 277-287, 2015.
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        3. Dudek G.: Short-Term Load Cross-Forecasting using Pattern-Based Neural Models. Proc. 16th Int. Conf. on Electric Power Engineering (EPE'2015), pp. 179-183, 2015.
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        4. Dudek G.: Extreme Learning Machine for Function Approximation – Interval Problem of Input Weights and Biases. Proc. IEEE 2nd Int. Conf. on Cybernetics (CybConf’2015), pp. 62-67, 2015.
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        5. Popławski T., Dudek G., Łyp J.: Forecasting methods for balancing energy market in Poland. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, vol. 65, pp. 94-101, 2015.
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        6. Dudek G.: Generalized Regression Neural Network for Forecasting Time Series with Multiple Seasonal Cycles. In: Filev D. et al. (eds.): Intelligent Systems’2014, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 323, pp. 839-846, 2015.
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        7. Dudek G.: Short-Term Load Forecasting using Random Forests. In: Filev D. et al. (eds.): Intelligent Systems’2014, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 323, pp. 821-828, 2015.
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        1. Dudek G.: Short-term load forecasting using fuzzy regression trees. Przegląd Elektrotechniczny (Electrical Review), r. 90, nr 4, s. 108-111, 2014 (in Polish). pdf
        2. Dudek G.: Tournament Searching Method for Optimization of the Forecasting Model Based on the Nadaraya-Watson Estimator. In: Rutkowski L. et al. (eds.): Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, ICAISC 2014, LNAI 8468, pp. 351-360, 2014. pdf


        1. Dudek G.: Genetic algorithm with binary representation of generating unit start-up and shut-down times for the unit commitment problem. Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 40, issue 15, pp. 6080-6086, 2013. pdf
        2. Dudek G.: Exponential Smoothing Models for Short-Term Load Forecasting. Rynek Energii (Energy Market), special issue no. 1 (VIII), pp. 64-69, 2013 (in Polish). pdf
        3. Dudek G.: Forecasting Time Series with Multiple Seasonal Cycles using Neural Networks with Local Learning. In: Rutkowski L. et al. (eds.): Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, ICAISC 2013, LNCS 7894, pp. 52-63, 2013. pdf
        4. Dudek G.: Simulated Annealing Combined with Evolutionary Algorithm to Unit Commitment Problem. In: Rocha C. et al. (eds.): Artificial Intelligence andHybrid Systems, pp. 175-196, iConcept Press 2013. pdf
        5. Dudek G.: Artificial Immune System for Forecasting Time Series with Multiple Seasonal Cycles. Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence XI, LNCS 8065, pp. 176-197, 2013. pdf


        1. Dudek G.: Similarity-based Machine Learning Methods for Short-Term Load Forecasting. Academic Publishing House EXIT, Warszawa 2012 (habilitation monograph; in Polish: Systemy uczące się oparte na podobieństwie obrazów do prognozowania szeregów czasowych obciążeń elektroenergetycznych).
          Publisher's website
        2. Dudek G.: Artificial immune system for classification with local feature selection. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, vol. 16, issue 6, pp. 847-860, 2012. pdf>
        3. Dudek G.: Approximation of the Hysteresis Loop using Computational Intelligence Methods. Przegląd Elektrotechniczny (Electrical Review), r. 88, no. 12b, pp. 8-11, 2012 (in Polish). pdf
        4. Chwastek K., Dudek G.: Estimation of Parameters for a Hysteresis Model using Evolution Strategy. Przegląd Elektrotechniczny (Electrical Review), r. 88, no. 12b, pp. 5-7, 2012 (in Polish). pdf
        5. Dudek G.: ARIMA Models for Short-Term Load Forecasting. Rynek Energii (Energy Market) 2 (99), pp. 94-98, 2012 (in Polish). pdf
        6. Dudek G.: Optimization of the Forecasting Models Based on the Nearest Neighbor Estimators. Rynek Energii (Energy Market), special issue no. 1 (VII), pp. 118-123, 2012 (in Polish). pdf
        7. Dudek G.: Tournament Feature Selection with Directed Mutations. In: Rutkowski L. et al. (eds.): Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, LNCS 7269, pp. 190-198. pdf
        8. Dudek G.: Variable Selection in the Kernel Regression based Short-Term Load Forecasting Model. In: Rutkowski L. et al. (eds.): Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, LNCS 7268, pp. 557-563. pdf


        1. Dudek G.: New Optimization Methods for the Electric Power Unit Commitment Problem. Czestochowa University of Technology Publishing House, Częstochowa 2011 (based on the PhD thesis; in Polish: Nowe metody rozdziału obciążeń w elektroenergetyce).

        2. Dudek G.: Artificial Immune Clustering Algorithm to Forecasting Seasonal Time Series. In Jędrzejowicz P. et al. (eds): Computational Collective Intelligence. Technologies and Applications, ICCCI 2011, LNCS 6922, pp. 468-477, 2011. pdf
        3. Dudek G.: Artificial Immune System to Short-Term Load Forecasting. Śląskie Wiadomości Elektryczne (Silesian Electric News), no. 6, pp. 12-15, 2011 (in Polish).
        4. Dudek G.: Optimization of the Kernel Regression Model to Short-Term Load Forecasting, Przegląd Elektrotechniczny (Electrical Review), r. 87, no. 9a, pp. 222-225, 2011 (in Polish).
        5. Dudek G.: Forecasting of the Daily Load Curves using Cluster Analysis Methods. Rynek Energii (Energy Market) 2 (93), pp. 73-78, 2011 (in Polish).
        6. Dudek G.: Next day electric load curve forecasting using k-means clustering. Rynek Energii (Energy Market) 1 (92), pp. 143-149, 2011.
        7. Dudek G.: Neuro-fuzzy approach to the next day load curve forecasting. Przegląd Elektrotechniczny (Electrical Review), r. 87, no. 2, pp. 61-64, 2011.


        1. Dudek G.: Short-term load forecasting based on kernel conditional density estimation. Przegląd Elektrotechniczny (Electrical Review), r. 86, no 8, pp. 164-167, 2010. pdf
        2. Dudek G.: Tournament searching method to feature selection problem. In: Rutkowski L. et al. (eds.): Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, ICAISC 2010, LNCS 6114, pp. 437-444. pdf
        3. Dudek G.: Forecasting Model based on the Fuzzy Estimators of the Regression Function for Preparing the Daily Coordination Plans. Rynek Energii (Energy Market), special issue no. 1 (V), pp. 150-155, 2010 (in Polish).
        4. Dudek G. Adaptive simulated annealing schedule to the unit commitment problem. Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 80, issue 4, pp. 465-472, 2010. pdf
        5. Dudek G. Similarity-based approaches to short-term load forecasting. In: Zhu J.J., Fung G.P.C. (eds.): Forecasting Models: Methods and Applications. pp. 161-178, iConcept Press 2010. pdf


        1. Dudek G.: Short-Term Load Forecasting using Nearest Neighbour Estimators. Proc. XIV Conf. Present-Day Problems of Power Engineering, vol. 3, pp. 31-39, 2009 (in Polish).
        2. Dudek G.: PWR and BWR Nuclear Power Plant Simulators for Education of the International Atomic Energy Agency. Proc. XIV Conf. Present-Day Problems of Power Engineering, vol.. 1, pp. 269-277, 2009 (in Polish).
        3. Dudek G. A comparison of the neural gas and self organizing map methods for next day load curve forecasting. Przegląd Elektrotechniczny (Electrical Review), r. 85, no. 3, pp. 153-156, 2009.
        4. Dudek G. Similarity Analysis of the Patterns of the Electrical Load Time Series Sequences. Przegląd Elektrotechniczny (Electrical Review), r. 85, no. 3, pp. 149-152, 2009 (in Polish).


        1. Dudek G.: Artificial Immune System for Short-Term Electric Load Forecasting. In: Rutkowski L. et al. (eds.): Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, ICAISC 2008, LNCS 5097, pp. 1007-1017, 2008. pdf
        2. Dudek G.: Feature subset selection using genetic algorithm with roulette wheel and tournament mutations. Proc. 4-th PD Forum-Conference on Computer Science, 2008.


        1. Dudek G.: A Genetic Algorithm with a Roulette Wheel Mutation. Informatyka Teoretyczna i Stosowana (Theoretical and Applied Computer Science), r. 7, no. 12, pp. 91-107, 2007
        2. Dudek G.: The Analysis of the Short-Term Power System Load Forecasting Model based on the Fuzzy Clustering. Badania Operacyjne i Decyzje (Operation Research and Decisions), no. 2, pp. 15-34, 2007 (in Polish).
        3. Dudek G.: Genetic Algorithm with Integer Representation of Unit Start-Up And Shut-Down Times for the Unit Commitment Problem. European Transactions on Electrical Power 17, pp. 500-511, 2007. pdf
        4. Dudek G.: Naive Methods for Forecasting the Power System Load and Energy Prices. Proc. XIII Conf. Present-Day Problems of Power Engineering, vol. 3, pp. 43-50, 2007 (in Polish).


        1. Dudek G.: Short-Term Power System Load Forecasting using Fuzzy Clustering Method. Przegląd Elektrotechniczny (Electrical Review), r. 82, no. 9, pp. 26-28, 2006 (in Polish).
        2. Dudek G.: Application of the Hierarchical Clustering Methods to the Daily Electrical Load Profile Forecasting. Przegląd Elektrotechniczny (Electrical Review), r. 82, no. 9, pp. 9-11, 2006 (in Polish).
        3. Dudek G.: Data Preprocessing in Similarity-Based Methods of Short-Term Load Forecasting. Przegląd Elektrotechniczny (Electrical Review), r. 82, no. 9, pp. 15-19, 2006 (in Polish).
        4. Dudek G.: Unit Commitment Using a Hybrid Method Combining Simulated Annealing and Genetic Algorithm. Archiwum Energetyki (Archives of Energetics), vol. XXXV, no. 1, pp. 3- 28, 2006 (in Polish).


        1. Dudek G.: Localizations of the Power Substations using an Evolution Strategy. Proc. Conf. Computer Methods and Systems in Automatics and Electrical Engineering, pp. 107-110, 2005 (in Polish).


        1. Dudek G.: Unit Commitment by Genetic Algorithm with Specialized Search Operators. Electric Power Systems Research 72, pp. 299-308, 2004. pdf
        2. Dudek G.: Selected Methods of Analysis of the Electrical Load Time Series. Proc. Conf. Forecasting in Power Engineering, pp. 116-125, 2004 (in Polish).
        3. Dudek G.: Regression Tree as a Forecasting Tool. Proc. Conf. Forecasting in Power Engineering, pp. 99-105, 2004 (in Polish).
        4. Dudek G.: Complex and Sequential Evolutionary Algorithms for Unit Commitment and Economic Power Dispatch. Proc. 7-th Conf. Evolutionary Computation and Global Optimization, pp. 33-46, 2004.


        1. Dudek G.: Usefulness of GMDH Network for Short-Term Load Forecasting. Proc. Conf. Computer Methods and Systems in Automatics and Electrical Engineering, vol. 1, pp. 136-138, 2003 (in Polish).


        1. Dudek G.: Complex Evolutionary Algorithm to Economic Dispatch. Proc. Conf. Forecasting in Power Engineering, pp. 225-234, 2002 (in Polish).


        1. Dudek G.: Construction of Characteristics of the Start-up Costs of Power Units. Proc. Conf. Computer Methods and Systems in Automatics and Electrical Engineering, vol. 1, pp. 87-89, 2001 (in Polish).
        2. Dudek G.: Weighted Feature Selection in Minimal Distance Classification. Proc. Conf. Computer Methods and Systems in Automatics and Electrical Engineering, vol. 1, pp. 49-51, 2001 (in Polish).
        3. Dudek G.: Variable Representation Methods and Genetic Operators in Evolutionary Algorithm for Unit Commitment. Proc. Conf. Computer Methods and Systems in Automatics and Electrical Engineering, vol. 1, pp. 93-95, 2001 (in Polish).
        4. Dudek G.: Analysis of the Chaos Theory-based Methods for Long-Term Load Forecasting - Schuster method. Proc. Conf. Computer Methods and Systems in Automatics and Electrical Engineering, vol. 1, pp. 90-92, 2001 (in Polish).
        5. Dudek G.: Forecasting of the Daily Load Curves using RBF network. Proc. X Conf. Present-Day Problems of Power Engineering, vol. 3, pp. 93-100, 2001 (in Polish).


        1. Dudek G.: Unit Commitment using Simulated Annealing. Proc. Conf. Forecasting in Power Engineering, pp. 299-309, 2000 (in Polish).
        2. Dudek G.: Short-Term Load Forecasting using RBF Networks. Proc. Conf. Forecasting in Power Engineering, pp. 59-68, 2000 (in Polish).
        3. Dudek G.: Short-Term Load Forecasting using Neural Networks – Architecture Selection and Learning Problems. Proc. 5-th Conf. Evolutionary Computation and Global Optimization, pp. 59-66, 2000 (in Polish).
        4. Dudek G.: Genetic Algorithm as a Unit Commitment Method. Proc. Conf. Evolutionary Computation and Global Optimization, pp. 51- 58, 2000 (in Polish).


        1. Dudek G.: Economic Dispatch in a Power Station using Genetic Algorithm. Proc. Conf. Optimization in Power Engineering, pp. 9-18, 1999 (in Polish).
        2. Dudek G., Engiel J.: A Simple Neural Network Simulator for Education. Proc. Conf. Computer Methods and Systems in Automatics and Electrical Engineering, vol. 2, pp. 379-381, 1999 (in Polish).
        3. Dudek G.: A Genetic Algorithm as a Unit Commitment Tool for Thermal Units. Proc. Conf. Computer Methods and Systems in Automatics and Electrical Engineering, vol. 2, pp. 218-220, 1999 (in Polish).
        4. Dudek G.: Short-Term Load Forecasting Methodology using Neural networks. Proc. Conf. Computer Methods and Systems in Automatics and Electrical Engineering, vol. 2, pp. 214-217, 1999 (in Polish).
        5. Dudek G.: Selection of Diagnostic Parameters using Simulated Annealing. Proc. Conf. Computer Methods and Systems in Automatics and Electrical Engineering, vol. 1, pp. 67-69, 1999 (in Polish).
        6. Dudek G.: Genetic Algorithm for Symptom Selection in Diagnostic Tests. Proc. Conf. Evolutionary Computation and Global Optimization, pp. 99-106, 1999 (in Polish).


        1. Dudek G.: Neural Network Classifiers for Fault Detection of the Power Station Devices. Proc. Conf. Modeling of Power Station Exploitation, pp. 107-118, 1998 (in Polish).


        1. Topór-Kamiński L., Dudek G.: Learning of Layered Neural Networks by Voting Rule. Proc. III Conf. Neural Networks and Their Applications, pp. 131-135, 1997 (in Polish).
        2. Topór-Kamiński L., Dudek G.: A Current Conveyor with Opened Current Mirrors. Proc. III Conf. Neural Networks and Their Applications, pp. 85-87, 1997 (in Polish).
        3. Dudek G.: Hecht-Nielsen Neural Network for Short-Term Load Forecasting. Proc. VIII Conf. Present-Day Problems of Power Engineering, vol. 4, pp. 65-72, 1997 (in Polish).
        4. Dobrzańska I., Dudek G., Seweryn P.: A Method of Analysis of the Economic Situation of Regional Energy Providers. Proc. VIII Conf. Present-Day Problems of Power Engineering, vol. 5, pp. 93-100, 1997 (in Polish).


        1. Dudek G., Seweryn P.: Determination of the Optimal Value of the Contracted Capacity for Minimum Annual Tariff Costs. Proc. Conf. Future of Power Engineering -- Trends, Directions, Methods, pp.205-212, 1995 (in Polish).