
Welcome to my website!

I am a Professor in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at Czestochowa University of Technology (CUT), Poland. My research focuses on machine learning, artificial intelligence and data mining, with a particular emphasis on their applications in classification, regression, forecasting, and optimization problems.


Education and Qualifications

    • 1994 M.Sc., Faculty of Electrical Engineering, CUT
    • 2003 Ph.D., Faculty of Electrical Engineering, CUT
    • 2013 Habilitation, Faculty of Electrical, Electronic, Computer and Control Engineering, Łódź University of Technology
    • 2023 Full Professor


PhD thesis

Dudek G.: Unit Commitment using Evolutionary Algorithms. CUT, 2003 (in Polish) abstract


Habilitation thesis

Dudek G.: Similarity-based Machine Learning Methods for Short-Term Load Forecasting. Academic Publishing House EXIT, Warszawa 2012 (habilitation monograph; in Polish) abstract



    • 2014–23 Professor, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, CUT
    • 2014–18 Professor, Katowice School of Information Technologies
    • 2016–19 Director of the Computer Science Institute at CUT
    • 2016–19 Head of Data Engineering and Computational Intelligence Division at CUT
    • 2017–19 Deputy Dean for Scientific Research in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at CUT
    • 2019 Head of Computer Science Division at CUT
    • 2023- Full professor, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, CUT
    • 2023- Professor, Centre for Data Analysis, Modelling and Computational Sciences (CAMiNO), University of Łódź  
    • 2023- Full professor, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Łódź



    • 1998-1999 Forecasting Electricity Demand using Statistical Pattern Recognition Methods. Nature of contribution: main contractor. Funding: Research Committee
    • 1999-2000 Short-Term Load Forecasting using RBF Networks. Nature of contribution: project manager and head contractor. Funding: Research Committee
    • 2001-2002 Unit Commitment for Thermal Power Stations using Evolutionary Algorithms and Simulated Annealing. Nature of contribution: project manager and head contractor. Funding: Research Committee
    • 2005-2006 Short-Term Load Forecasting using Fuzzy Clustering and Genetic Algorithms. Nature of contribution: project manager and head contractor. Funding: Research Committee
    • 2007-2008 Short-Term Forecasting of Electricity Demand and Energy Prices on the Stock and Balancing Markets using Cluster Analysis Methods. Nature of contribution: project manager and head contractor. Funding: CUT Rector
    • 2008-2009 Short-Term Forecasting of Electricity Demand and Energy Prices on the Stock and Balancing Markets using Nonparametric Regression Methods. Nature of contribution: project manager and head contractor. Funding: CUT Rector
    • 2010-2013 Non-Classical Methods of Short-Term Load Forecasting. Nature of contribution: project manager and head contractor. Funding: Ministry of Science and Higher Education
    • 2018-2020 Randomized Learning Methods for Artificial Neural Networks. Nature of contribution: project manager and head contractor. Funding: National Science Centre



Four books, over 130 papers and chapters


Honors and awards

    • Ranked in the ranking of the world's most influential people in science (top 2% list, Stanford University and Elsevier)

      Career-long impact

      • 2020 - #163669
      • 2021 - #160743
      • 2022 - #152973
      • 2023 - #140584

      Single year impact

      • 2019 - #65010
      • 2020 - #68514
      • 2021 - #70158
      • 2022 - #60118
      • 2023 - #33607


    • Third place in Global Energy Forecasting Competition 2014 (GEFCOM 2014) - Price forecasting 
    • 18 awards of CUT Rector for research activity (2011-2023)
    • 8 awards of CUT Rector for organizational activity (2010-2018)  


Projects for industry

Ten projects for energy companies, mainly for the Polish power system operator (PSE-Operator) and Tauron, in developing the electrical load forecasting models, methods of long-term optimal dispatch of generating units and smart grid data analysis



    • FatRec – a computer program for determining the expected and theoretical frequencies of genotypes in a population, heterozygosity, power of discrimination, probability of paternity exclusion and polymorphic information content. For Department of Forensic Medicine, Medical University of Silesia, Katowice, 2001
    • FatRec2 – a computer program for determining the paternity probability on the basis of genotype and allele frequencies. For Department of Forensic Medicine, Medical University of Silesia, Katowice, 2003
    • HLA Patch Generator – an Excel application for generation of HLA eplets. For prof. Rene Duquesnoy, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, USA, 2004
    • HLAMatching  -  a computer program for generating triplets compatible in terms of HLA antigens – for the selection of donors in leukemia. For Medigen, Warsaw, 2004
    • HLAMatchmaker - ABC Eplet Matching - a computer program for typing compatibility between donor and recipient at the HLA eplet level. For prof. Rene Duquesnoy, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, USA, 2010 more information about triplets and eplets
    • HLAmatching_2 - a computer program for statistical analysis of the results of HLA genotype matching and determination of the survival curve. For Medigen, Warsaw, 2017



Artificial intelligence, evolutionary algorithms, expert systems, machine learning, fuzzy modeling, operations research and optimization, programming in C, Python, Pascal and Java Script, nuclear power plants


Review activities

    • IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation
    • IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems
    • IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics
    • IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics
    • Neural Networks
    • Information Sciences
    • Knowledge-Based Systems
    • Applied Soft Computing
    • Expert Systems with Applications
    • Neurocomputing
    • Neural Computation and Applications
    • Computational Optimization and Applications
    • Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
    • Complexity
    • International Journal of Forecasting
    • European Journal of Operational Research
    • Computers in Human Behavior
    • Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Research
    • Applied Energy
    • Energies
    • Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence
    • International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Special Issue on Evolutionary Computation
    • International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems
    • Intelligent Decision Technologies
    • Przegląd Elektrotechniczny (Electrical Review)
    • Rynek Energii (Energy Market) 
    • ...